毎週 金曜日 19:45~20:00
日曜日 18:45~19:00
月曜日 6:15~6:30
パソコン・スマートフォンのアプリ「Listen Radio」でもお聞きいただけます。
an announcement about the ban on leaving bicycles at Yonago Station
an announcement about tax payments.
an announcement about subsidized postnatal health checks.
Now for some announcements from Yonago City Hall.
First, an announcement about the ban on leaving bicycles at Yonago Station.
Bicycles that are found parked outside Yonago station, or in the area around it, will be removed and taken to the underground bicycle parking lot at the station. A few must be paid in order to get bicycles back. To avoid this, please park bicycles at the underground bicycle parking.
For more information please contact the Construction Planning Division on 23-5253.
Next, an announcement about tax payments.
Automatic bank transfer can be used when paying resident tax, property tax,and light vehicle tax. By using this method, forgetting to pay and the inconvenience of going to the convenience store, post office, or financial institution are no longer a concern. Those people who wish to pay by this method should fill in an application form found at financial institutions and post offices. Submit this form along with your bank book, personal seal, and a tax notification that includes your tax reference number at the counter of the post office or financial institution.
For more information please contact the Tax Collection Division on 23-5161.
Finally, an announcement about subsidized postnatal health checks.
The cost of postnatal health checks will be subsidized for anyone who is registered as a resident of Yonago and gave birth on or after April 1st. This applies to mothers who have already been issued a Mother and Child Health Handbook, for mothers due to give birth after April 1st cards for 2 postnatal health checks were sent by post. Anyone who is yet to receive the cards, anyone who gave birth outside of Tottori Prefecture, and anyone who is due to give birth should contact the Health Affairs Division.
For more information please contact the Health Affairs Division on 23-5452.
The announcements you’ve just heard can be read on the Daraz FM homepage in English, Chinese and Korean.
These have been announcements from Yonago City Hall.
详情请垂询税收科。电话 23-5161。
本次播报的信息,将采用中、日、韩三语上传至DARAZ FM主页,敬请查阅。
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대상은 이미 모자건강수첩을 교부 받으신 분으로 출산 예정일이 4월 1일 이후인 분께 산후건강검진수진표를 2회분 우편으로 보내드렸습니다.
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